As a registered user You will benefit by paying substantially LESS for coming versions with extended grammar checking. Those who did not register from the start, will have to pay the full price.
When registering You receive the latest version on floppy via air mail. But wait! There is more...
You also have the option of selecting storage capacity of the Dictionary. Here are the current options:
Spell Check ID Storage Capacity RAM Price (US$)
RSC-090 90,000 words 3 MB $ 25
RSC-120 120,000 words * 4 MB $ 25
RSC-150 150,000 words * 5 MB $ 25
RSC-90 is the standard version. It requires 3 MB to run. With each increase of 30,000 words, the needed RAM MB increases by approximately one MB. If You order the standard version, RSC-90, and afterwards realize that You needed more space to store new words - don't worry! Simply return the RSC-90 and it will be exchanged FREE OF CHARGE with RSC-120 or RSC-150.
* Available in June 1996.
Only registered users can take advantage of the Grammar Check feature and the font conversions. Not to mention VERB AID...
Please, send US$ 25 and a print copy of this form to the address below to complete Your registration. You may pay in various ways:
1. Buy a US$ 25 check drawn on a Swedish bank and mail it in an envelope.
2. Send US$ 25 from Your bank to
Södra Hamngatan
S-45230 Strömstad
to my personal account # 5174 00 141 11
3. Send US$ 25 to postal giro account # 647 87 44 - 3